Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Burning The Man

I've never attended the Burning Man festival that happens 2+ hours from my home. I do admit to a strange fascination with it, but, the same kind of intrigue I have with folks who tattoo and pierce every inch of their skin... a dirty kind of interest. That is probably the biggest turn-off the festival conjures in my mind.... dirty, dirty, dirt and dirtiness. For the past several days I have witnessed through Reno a mass exodus of dust colored vehicles, strapped with dust colored bikes and driven by dust colored people. I might have already made the festival had it been held in a large meadow. However, I don't even understand the deconstructivism that The Burning Man is an icon for... what does it all mean? But, enough of the Burning Man regurgitated speculation.

What I propose is another kind of festival entirely, one I could back with 100% of my being. I propose we not just burn a man, but, burn "the man". I would love to have a camp of those of us frazzled and trampled by corporate takeover and governmental power. A festival dedicated to all that is evil and money grubbing in our society. Burning those monolithic entities so high above the rest of us, as if perched at the right hand of God and weilding his power with his consent. Haliburton, Bechtel, Philip Morris, Wal Mart and etc... I would revel in the flames engulfing the lot.

ps. I love the movie The Smartest Guys in the Room, it's the vision I have for them all.

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Sue Short said...
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