Friday, October 5, 2007

old maid

It's weird being a mid-30s kinda girl... in Reno, NV.

My core group of friends live in San Francisco, where I have no interest in living, anymore. Living in SF meant 5 car break-ins in 5 months, meant my car insurance dropping me. Living in SF meant being cold all of the time, meant finding Summer happened anywhere over the bridge and vacation time could be spent in places like Pleasanton. Living in SF meant bad vibes, bad finances and bad memories... blech, basically, F-SF. Nice place to visit, visit those missed friends.

So, I'm lonely... sort of. Not entirely.

Lately I've been pressed to join the "It's Just Lunch" dating program by well-meaning friends. As I broach my 35th year I am reminded of child bearing possibilities by well-meaning female relatives. As I put on weight, stay out late, or drink too much, I am reminded of how much better I could look by a well-meaning mother.

Most of my peer group is married, many of which have successfully reached child rearing years... others have reached it rather unsuccessfully. I have some healthy plants, some struggling plants and one fairly elderly cat, whom I have reared since infancy.

So far, I call that success.
I may be quick, but, I'm not fast.

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andipie said...
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