Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I think I'm getting a not quite Summer (looks nice but you need a sweatshirt, Spring - still) cold. I've always got allergies, and the long haired cat I call a house companion doesn't help much at all, neither do the fresh pink roses and white peonies cut from the yard, that's living, despite the discomfort! Anyhow, the stuffiness in my nose is heavier, holding council across my brow, down each side of my sinus and leaking out one nostril in a thin, clear wisp of irritation, and ultimately chapped, redness. Today I visited my allergist who was convinced I had moved to Napa, since he's not seen me in years - how had I managed, the truth, a tattered prescription for nasal steroid, used over, and over... then the desperate, pollenated call from beneath a towel breathing steam and eucalyptus. The denial of my allergy ridden life has not been a very successful war I've waged/suffered alone. My allergist looked at me with curious round eyes when I told him he only saw me every so often because I would wait until it was truly a burden in my life... not for any reason in particular, just that, I think, I still believe I will outgrow the annoyance completely. Every Spring I await mornings without the spasms of sneezing, itching eyes and swollen features. The elusive symptoms, apparently only active when I am conscious, wreak that particular havoc every morning as punishment for the hours free of their burden.



G. Angus said...

Hey, cruising Reno blogs just looking for info on what I can expect when I move there. Grew up at Tahoe & lived all over. Never had allergy trouble till living in San Francisco. Since then, things get better, then worse.
How frequently do you have trouble? Is it a year-round thing?

Miss Pissy said...

Well, keep in mind, I mention that beastly dander bearing cat sleeping nightly/daily near my pillow... our situations may vary. It is extremely dry here, I don't think it's too bad here otherwise... and I am allergic to oxygen, so don't take my experience as "the norm". Good luck, welcome to Reno... ha ha ha.